
Hilkka-Liisa Vuori
hilkka-liisa.vuori [et]
p. 0407016534

Johanna Korhonen

Vox Silentii ry
c/o Vuori
Suopuronniitty 7b
02920 ESPOO
Suomi Finland



Keskiviikko 18.5.2016

Chants de l'office pour la fête de Saint Thomas d'Aquin18.5.2016 - Colmar, Église des Dominicains

Felix Thomas lumen mundi -

Chants de l'office pour la fête de Saint Thomas d'Aquin

The chants of the feast days of St. Thomas Aquinas

 Vox Silentii et fr. Marie-Augustin op

Strasbourg, Temple Neuf, mardi 17 mai à 20h. Tiistaina 17.5. klo 20.

Colmar, Église des Dominicains, mercredi 18 mai à 20h. Keskiviikkona 18.5.2016 klo 20.

Entrée libre - Plateau. Vapaa pääsy  - kolehti.

Keskiaikainen hiljainen rukouslaulumessu18.5.2016 - Kallion kirkko
Messu klo 18. Anima mean harjoitukset klo 17 alkaen. Ks. Messu.

Keskiviikko 25.5.2016

Keskiaikainen hiljainen rukouslaulumessu25.5.2016 - Kallion kirkko
Messu klo 18. Anima mean harjoitukset klo 17 alkaen. Ks. Messu.

Keskiviikko 1.6.2016

Pyhtään gregoriaaninen kurssi1.6.2016 - 5.6.2016 - Pyhtään kirkko ja Patruunantalo
Vielä ehtii viime tipassa mukaan Pyhtään gregoriaanisen laulun kurssille, joka on 1.-6.6.2016. Ks. lisätietoa kohdasta Kesäkurssit.

Lauantai 18.6.2016

Ääni sielun tanssia kehossa18.6.2016 - Mustasaaren toimintakeskus, Helsinki

Tervetuloa kesäistä päivää viettämään Helsingin Mustasaareen!

Ääni sielun tanssia kehossa -kurssi

Helsingin Mustasaaressa la 18.6.2016 ja la 13.8.2016 klo 10–17. 

Ks Kesäkurssit.

Maanantai 27.6.2016

Keskiaikaisen hiljaisen rukouslaulun kurssi27.6.2016 - 30.6.2016 - Heponiemen hiljaisuuden keskus, Karjalohja
Kurssi on lempeää lepoa äänessä. Vielä mahtuu mukaan. Ks. Kesäkurssit.

Sunnuntai 3.7.2016

Workshop in Leeds Medieval conference3.7.2016 - Leeds Universities Catholic Chaplaincy

Hear, Feel, See, and Taste: Chanting with Sensitivity

Sunday 03 July

Price: £12.00

Directed by: Hilkka-Lissa Vuori & Johanna Korhonen

Leeds Universities Catholic Chaplaincy

14.00 - 17.00

'Felix thomas doctor ecclesie lumen mundi splendor ytalie [...]’ (Blessed is Thomas, Doctor of the Church, light of the world, splendour of Italy)

St Thomas Aquinas is perhaps best known for his scholarship, making him an obvious choice to serve as the patron saint of students and universities. His great works, the Summa Theologica and the Summa Contra Gentiles, are mainstays of Catholic theology. Less well-known, however, is his contribution to the liturgy of the medieval Christian Church, composing for example the liturgy for Corpus Christi when the feast day was added to the Church’s calendar in 1264.

This workshop will focus on chants performed on the feast days of Thomas Aquinas found in 14th-century manuscripts. Participants will learn to use early medieval scales, called modes, which use a different tuning system, based on natural harmonic series. This singing technique allows the overtones of the music to be heard and distinguished from the melody as flute-like sounds. The feeling of the mode and resonance in the body and in the church space helps us to experience also the modes of the melodies and the texts. Participants will also learn to use their hands in their performance to follow the vocal resonance in the singer’s body. This technique naturally lends itself to the setting of a chapel. The workshop will include a short talk about St Thomas Aquinas by Marika Räsänen (Turku Centre for Medieval & Early Modern Studies (TUCEMEMS), University of Turku).

This workshop is open to singers of all levels of ability and vocal range. Copies of the music will be made available on the day. However, the ability to read the musical notes is not needed, just a will to join the singing.

Hilkka-Liisa Vuori, who has a doctorate in music, has been singing with Vox Silentii, an early music ensemble focusing on liturgical music, since its inception in 1992. She also teaches at the University of the Arts in Helsinki. Vuori specialises in medieval Bridgettine chants, her most recent publication being a chant book for choirs, Cantus sororum. Currently she is transcribing, studying, and singing the chants from the two offices of Thomas Aquinas.

Johanna Korhonen is a singer in duo Vox Silentii and a professional journalist specialising in societal issues.

Marika Räsänen has studied the cult of saints and in particular the relic cult of St Thomas Aquinas in southern Italy. Her research interests include the early Dominican reforms and the Reformation, the devotional culture of the laity, and the cult of Thomas Aquinas in late medieval Europe. Among her most recent publications are articles on the cult of St Francis of Assisi in medieval Rauma and diocese of Turku and on the perception of silence in the late medieval lay culture (composed jointly with Reima Välimäki).

This workshop can only accommodate a limited number of participants. Early booking is recommended.

For further information about Vox Silentii, please see www.voxsilentii.fi. For further information about the ongoing project ‘Touching, Tasting, Hearing, Seeing, and Smelling: Sensory Experiences in the Feasts of St Thomas Aquinas’, please see ossagloriosa.org.

Maanantai 4.7.2016

Vox Silentii in Concert in Leeds, Great Britain4.7.2016 - Leeds Universities Catholic Chaplaincy, Great Britain

'Felix Thomas, lumen mundi': Chants from the Feasts of St Thomas Aquinas

A concert by Vox Silentii


Price: £12.00

Established in 1992, Vox Silentii (Johanna Korhonen and Hilkka-Liisa Vuori) sings, teaches, and studies the music of medieval convents. The duo does not give concerts in the traditional sense: their repertoire is liturgical music, and therefore it is prayer in both voice and song. The silence in the duo’s name (Vox Silenti - the voice of silence) refers not only to silence as the starting point for all music but to the silence of the heart - a space for listening, a prayer.

Vox Silentii’s singing technique is closely linked to the church in which they perform, which gives the listener a chance to listen to the overtones, which may be perceived as faint flutelike sounds among the tones of the melody, and to the individual ‘voice of the church’ as well. They perform mainly in Finland and Sweden, so this concert offers a unique chance to hear one of their rare performances in the UK in which they perform chants for the feast days of St Thomas Aquinas (1224/5–1274) from 14th-century manuscripts.

The chants of the feast days of St Thomas Aquinas are now seldom heard. In the concert Vox Silentii sings chants from both feast days: Dies Natalis (7 March) and the day of Translation (28 January). All together there are over 60 chants associated with these feasts; this concert will feature approximately a third of them. The text of these chants does not relate Aquinas’s developments in theology but rather they form a picture of the respect for the saint and his struggles, as well as his miracles and his sainthood. Musically the chants are strongly rooted in the Dominican tradition.

For further information about Vox Silentii, please see www.voxsilentii.fi. For further information about the ongoing project ‘Touching, Tasting, Hearing, Seeing, and Smelling: Sensory Experiences in the Feasts of St Thomas Aquinas’, please see ossagloriosa.org.

Keskiviikko 6.7.2016

Keskiaikainen hiljainen rukouslaulumessu6.7.2016 - Kallion kirkko

Tervetuloa messuun Kallion kirkkoon klo 18 gregoriaanisten lempeiden sävelmien kera.

Lauluja viritellään jo klo 17 Anima mean harjoituksissa. Kanttorina Johanna.

Meditative mass with medieval melodies.

Lauantai 9.7.2016

Konsertti: körttivirsi kohtaa keskiajan kirkkolaulun9.7.2016 - Pyhän Laurin kappeli, Vantaa

Samuli Korkalaisen ja Vox Silentiin konsertti

Körttivirsi kohtaa keskiajan kirkkolaulun

Vantaan Pyhän Laurin kappelissa la 9.7.2016 klo 22:30.

Konsertti on osa Herättäjäjuhlia Vantaalla.